Bishop Otubelu Nursery and Primary school Parents Teachers Association (BONPS PTA) CONSISTUTION

The Association shall be known as Bishop Otubelu Nursery and Primary School Parents Teachers Associations


The Aims of the association are to advance the education and well being of the pupils of the school by providing or assisting in the provision of facilities for education at the school which are not normally provided by the local Authority.

These include:

  1. a) Promoting close co-operation and communication between parents and teachers
  2. b) Studying and discussing matters of mutual interest relating to the education and welfare of the pupils.
  3. c) Engaging in activities which support and advance the education of the pupils attending the school, including fund raising and afterschool activities.
  4. d) Considering applications for funds put to PTA from pupils granting funds to support such application where request is passed by a majority of the general committee.


  • The members of the association shall comprise of all parents or guardians of the children attending the school and all teachers employed at the school .Membership ceases if the child leaves or graduates from the school.
  • The school authority, other appropriate persons by the school forum of the school management, which may include past PTA chairmen. This shall be called council of elders.


The association shall have the power to do anything considered by the general committee to be in furtherance of the aims. This include the powers

  1. To raise funds and invite and receive contributions in furtherance of the aims of the association.
  2. To pay from the funds of associations all the proper cost and expenses incurred by the general committee in establishing administering the charity aid funds of the association.
  3. To reimburse these out of the funds of the association created in the performance or exercise of their duties and powers.
  4. To contribute to the overall development of the school.
  5. To establish and operate both current account and deposit accounts with bankers in the name of the association provided that cheque drawn on such accounts shall not be signed by less than two members of the general committee.

Office Bearers

  • The president (The Head Teacher of the school)
  • Chairman
  • Vice chairman
  • Secretary (usually a teacher from the school)
  • Treasurer
  • The Public Relation Officer (PRO)


The office bearer is expected to have 2 years tenure which is renewable by reelection for a period of another 2 years maximum.

So a Total of four years in office

If an office becomes vacant during their tenure in office, the committee may at their discretion, opt to use the following ways:

1) A deputy or an agreed member may stand in till the end of the term.

2) The committee may elect a member to replace the person.

3) An emergency general meeting may be called to elect a new member for the post.

     Specific Responsibilities of the Executive committee Members

  1. The chairman shall summon and preside over the meetings of the executive committee and all the meetings of the association. He or she shall be a principal signatory to the association’s bank account.
  2. The vice chairman shall act as the chairman in the absence of the chairman.
  3. Secretary shall co-ordinate the correspondence of the association by giving notice of the meetings, recording of minutes of the meetings at general and executives’ committee meetings. He/she is responsible for the administrations of membership records. Hold regular forums having the parents, staff, school managements and other invited persons in attendance.
  4. The treasurer shall be responsible for the upkeep of the association’s money and shall give an accurate record of the statements of accounts, expenses and balance on account.
  5. The financial Secretary shall prepare and present to the association the audited account at the end of each school year as well as the annual financial report.
  6. The public Relation Officer shall continually propagate to the public the activities of the Association from time to time.




  1. Meetings will be convened to pass information to parents/guardians for the wellbeing of the school, pupils and the school.
  2. At the beginning of the school year and at such necessary intervals the parent’s teacher’s forum shall hold a meeting as decided by the committee to handle any business of the Association.
  3. Special general meeting s may be called at any time necessary by the committee.
  4. A minimum of 7 days notice must be given before a committee meeting.
  5. The quorum for normal general meeting shall be one third majority of members and same for decision makings.


  • Lateness to general meeting is hereby forbidden
  • Lateness/absence without notice will be penalized as decided by committee
  • Orderly behaviour is expected during all meeting and contribution from members should be orderly and moderate.



  • Courteousness and Respectfulness: members should respect one another i.e. parents should respect the teachers and other parents and vice versa, greetings, smile etc.
  • Members should not be seen engaging in physical fight or use abusive and vulgar languages irrespective of where they find themselves.
  • Members should project the image of the school and that of the association positively anywhere they go.
  • Members should strive for excellence in all they are called to do and in any capacity required.
  • Members should strive to promote any activities that can lead to bonding amongst members


The association shall derive its fund from levies, voluntary donations and fund raising activities, as may be determined by the committee.


The association shall operate an account with a bank of repute as decided by the committee and the forum.

SIGNATORIES There shall be 3 signatories to the account of the association consisting of the chairman and the vicar and the head teacher. A maximum of two shall suffice for any financial transactions which will be the chairman and either of the treasurer or the financial secretary.


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